Horse Skull with Mandible Jaw Bones Canine Tusks #6
This skull has canines.
A horse skull with a mandible. I picked this up from a field with the permission of the landowner.
I'll be able to ship these in May 2024.
These horses were kept by a lone, remote trapper who lived on the property before the current owner. He killed these for unknown/unconfirmable reasons. We do know that a woman went missing, and when law enforcement started searching his property with a warrant, he took his own life.
Here is the video of me finding them:
I am currently in the process of cleaning these skulls so they should look better by the time I ship them out. However, I cannot guarantee they will be perfect by then, so just buy as-is and hopefully be happy that it's a little better by then.
I'll be able to ship these in May 2024.